Weekly Update #3

Alright, weekly update #1 is here. So far,

I've gotten controller support for the game started. To fit with steam's requirements I will have to change button prompts to include correct button prompts depending on the controller in use.

The pause menu works for pausing the game, resuming the game and exiting to main menu. Now I just need to add the settings menu.

The main menu has full functionality with a settings menu for sounds and graphics, a exit game button and a new game/load game menu.

Steam integration is not going well. UE5.3 doesn't like any of the plugins I have for steam integration but I'll keep at this. However, just to get the game working for a demo to drop during October of this year I will be removing steam integration for the time being.

Get The Silent Bells: Ted The Caver (Playable Teaser)

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