Weekly Update #7

The demo is almost done. I'll just put a quick list of things I've got done then go into more detail on what is done and will be done.

  • Achievements have been added
  • added some secrets
  • have the story (of the full game) almost fully mapped out
  • added a second cutscene

alright, with that quite summary done, let's start by going over the achievements. I've added 13 achievements for the demo and have 27 achievements for the full game. The achievements list for the full game isn't 100% done yet as I will continue to add to it as I work on this game. Next, the secrets. The secrets I've added play a huge part in the full game experience and have effects on the way the story plays out. That's about all I can say. As for the story, I can't really talk about that either. Finally, I added the bad-end cutscene for the first checkpoint. This cutscene involves a plane crash and is not yet fully completed.

Now for what I hope to get done by next week.

  • checkpoint 3 done
  • cutscenes made for transitioning between checkpoint 1 & 2 and checkpoint 2 & 3
  • at least 4 achievements implemented (basically just having them unlockable within the code)
  • checkpoint 4 started (maybe half-way done)
  • checkpoint 3's bad end cutscene started

that's all for this update.

Get The Silent Bells: Ted The Caver (Playable Teaser)

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