Weekly Update #8

Checkpoint SelectThe demo is almost done. I have a fully functional dialogue system, have finished adding one dialogue thing and am working on finishing the 4th and final checkpoint. After this, It's pretty much to adding cutscenes and polishing up the gameplay. For more specifics on what I've done over this week:

  • I finished checkpoint 3
  • started working out an idea for checkpoint 3's cutscene
  • worked out an idea for relaying story information to the player in a realistic way
  • have checkpoint 4 roughly 1/3 of the way done
  • added NPCs an animations for said NPCs (this will mostly be used for the later stories, but there is one NPC in the demo)
  • added a checkpoint/chapter select thing (you press the forward button to go foward a checkpoint and the backward button to back a checkpoint and then press the play button to start the level from that checkpoint. See attached image to get what I mean).
  • added the base for steam achievement functionality
  • added a cutscene for checkpoint 1 (not finished yet)
  • and added 2 more achievements to the demo

I got quite a bit done this week and am getting ready to finalize my demo for the Game Developer World Championship (it's really just a small time game awards thing). I will update this page when I've finished the demo and submitted my game for GDWC. Now, for what I hope to get done by the end of next week:

  • checkpoint 1's cutscene fully finished (with sound)
  • checkpoint 4 mostly or fully finished
  • The beginnings of full steam achievement integration
  • an in-game achievement tracker and pop-up (for non-steam versions of my game)
  • checkpoint 3's cutscene started (and maybe mostly finished)
  • checkpint 4's cutscenes started (there are roughly 3 cutscene I need to make. So I hope to have 1 done, 1 mostly done and 1 started)
  • and the start of an undated options menu (I have something planned for it, it's just about making sure it actually works)

that's it for  this update. I think the game is looking promising but I do have my doubts in terms of enjoy-ability when it comes to the actual gameplay (since this is heavily story-driven, making interesting gameplay that goes along with it is difficult).

Get The Silent Bells: Ted The Caver (Playable Teaser)

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