First Post

Alright, first post/update, let's do this. First off, I only have 1 story I know I want to include (this being Ted the Caver). The free to play alpha build that will be available next year will be based off the Ted the Caver story and is planned to go up to the point when Ted first goes through the Floyd's Tomb and finds the creepy drawings. However, this content may have to be cut from the full game as getting into contact with the creator of Ted the Caver is difficult. My hope is I can get in contact with them and get permission to use the story. But if I'm unable to, I'll sadly have to cut the story and go with an alternative story.

In other news, here's a list of stories I am currently looking to add to the game.

Anasi’s goatman (probably not happening since the creator is completely unknown because the story was originally posted to 4chan).

ColourBlindess - I'm Never Dog Sitting Again

PizzND - Confessions of a deep sea diver (just use one story)

Ashley Rose Wellman - Distorted Warning Signals

SlimeBeast - Abandoned By Disney (probably won't use or will have to make the characters and location not disney related)

Dylan Sindelar - The Showers


Pascal Chatterjee - Annie96 is typing…

NeonTempo - The Left Right Game

Hugh Ehhoule - The Instruction Booklet

Blair Daniels - I Picked Up A Hitchhiker

now, most of the stories on the creepypasta wiki fall under the CC BY-SA license meaning any usage of the stories cannot be for commercial use. So, I'll have to go through the stories I've listed above and figure out which ones do and which one don't use CC BY-SA licensing. For the ones that do, I think I'll make a free version of the game using those stories (really depends on how much time and money I have to sink into something like that).

Get The Silent Bells: Ted The Caver (Playable Teaser)

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